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A NEW Way of Showing Your Support
Thanks to all of you who have helped out with Memberships on YouTube. In order to ensure that your support goes directly to me vs having YouTube take 30% or more, I'm introducing the AbdallahNATION Elites Memberships!
Not only are the perks better than what's offered on YouTube, but they're less expensive too! You'll have access to an exclusive community board, the ability to purchase all 'retired' merch designs you may have missed, merch discounts, Elite Game Nights, and much more!
The AbdallahNATION Elite Memberships are not a part of YouTube and there's no obligation to purchase both. If you want to keep your Green Member Name & Loyalty Badge in YouTube Chat, feel free to drop down to the lowest tier there and support whatever you want here!
I'm looking forward to growing our community even further and having the ability to play any games I want, voted on by you! Thanks for all of your continued support! 💖
Make a donation
Thanks for taking your support for my content a step further than just watching! Each donation here directly fuels my content vs other platforms taking 30%! You're the best! 💖
Become an AbdallahNATION ELITE MEMBER!

Bronze Tier
$4.99 per month
- Member Spotlight Shout-Out
- Monthly Q&A Submissions
- Exclusive Discord Role

Silver Tier
$9.99 per month
- Elite Exclusive Game Nights
- Elite Exclusive Merch
- Merch Discount!
- Member Spotlight Shout-Out
- Monthly Q&A Submissions
- Exclusive Discord Role

Gold Tier
$24.99 per month
- Nintendo Switch Friend Code Exchange
- Elite Exclusive Game Nights
- Elite Exclusive Merch
- Merch Discount!
- Member Spotlight Shout-Out
- Monthly Q&A Submissions
- Exclusive Discord Role

VIP Platinum Tier
$49.99 per month
- Elites Selects Stream
- Invitation to AMA on Discord
- Abdallah Follows You on Social Media
- Nintendo Switch Friend Code Exchange
- Elite Exclusive Game Nights
- Elite Exclusive Merch
- Merch Discount!
- Member Spotlight Shout-Out
- Monthly Q&A Submissions
- Exclusive Discord Role
Gift membership
Your gift will be given away live at!